So Tonight, Get Ready To Fly

Something has been changing in the air, well more specifically, before you get into the air.  Whether you travel by air on a regular basis or a not-so-regular basis, we have all gotten used to the safety demonstration that is performed by the flight attendants prior to departure.  While some airlines perform the demonstrations “old-school” with live demonstrations, other airlines have taken advantage of the video equipment available on board their aircrafts.

That being said, over the last number of years, we’ve seen a handful of unique and creative video demonstrations from airlines like Virgin Atlantic, Delta Air Lines and Virgin America.  Perhaps one of the most famous videos was made by Delta a few years back that included, the now famous, finger wave.

Over the last couple days, two new safety videos have been released from Delta Air Lines and Virgin America.  While Delta’s is a holiday update from the new versions they released this fall, the Virgin America video is a completely new take on this timeless demonstration.

Now, in true Virgin America fashion, they released their brand new safety demonstration and as you can watch below, it’s exactly that Virgin America feeling that we’ve come to know and love.

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What makes the Virgin America demo even more spectacular is that it was produced by Virgin Productions, so it truly is a Virgin produced product.


Thanks Delta and Virgin America for keeping the traveling public entertained, even if it just for a couple minutes.  One last thing, thanks Virgin for your catchy little tune.

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